Scoliosis, aka hospital waiting room chairs

Why are hospital waiting room chairs so uncomfortable? I understand that comfort is not their priority seeing as how it is a HOSPITAL, but seriously. Did you commission the same people who designed the Iron Maiden? Perhaps you have no compassion for the human spine. Last time I checked, the spine is supposed to be straight not at a fucking 63 degree angled parabola from the base!!!

My best friend pointed out that they most likely do this on purpose, causing you injury so that YOU will join your loved ones in the hospital. On a side note, why the fuck does it say “do not bring bedding in the waiting room” ? Is it me or have we lost sight of others well-being? I won’t even mention the “food” they serve.

I understand that the waiting room is not a hotel room, nor is supposed to be as comfortable as waiting for an STD test result at home. Come on people, get your shit together and try to care!!! Perhaps if I pay a dollar every five minutes a cushion will protrude from the seat. Allowing my ass to stay connected to my body.

Whoever the sick sadistic fuck is that designed these chairs, must be shot. Then again, he or she probably  enjoys pain so I suggest you find them and offer a massage and a foot rub. How do you sleep at night? Don’t say on one of these chairs you demented shithead. Here’s how I envision the blueprint:


 In a place that is supposed to promote health and well-being, they molest your spine into feeling like a wet rope, knotted beyond being fixed. Perhaps this rimlicker is nostalgic for the days when you had to wait to bathe for months and had to throw your feces out the window since there wasn’t any plumbing.

Whatever the case may be, I hate you. I don’t hate many or a lot of things but I’ve come to find an inner rage towards you. Next time I’m there, I will make sure to look at the manufacturer of these chairs and it better not say IKEA!!!!!!! Although it wouldn’t surprise me.

 Oh and for the final product:

I’ll end on this quote:

“Oh, yes, sitting — the great leveler. From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn’t enjoy a good sit?”

Can you guess who?

~Stay classy

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